To submit “Turning Points,” go to the Messenger Contact page.
The Messenger editorial team welcome queries and submissions with a Church of the Brethren connection or slant.
We accept both inquiries and completed articles. Inquiries should address why you would be the right person to write on the suggested topic. Send articles as attachments to in a Word-compatible format. Send photos in jpg format as attachments with photo credits. Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but please let us know immediately if an article will be published elsewhere.
Common types of materials we welcome include:
- In Touch articles share stories about congregations or individuals: 100-300 words plus good-quality photos.
- One-page reflections: 600-700 words
- Poetry: We only publish poems occasionally.
- Two-page features: 1,200 words, including sidebars
- Three-page features: 1,500 to 1,800 words, including sidebars
- Sermon adaptations: We rarely publish sermons. Any submission should be rewritten and condensed into article form.
We rarely publish articles longer than 1800 words. We do not accept memoirs or fiction.
The New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition is the Bible translation used by Messenger. Please identify any other translations.
We tend to be slow to respond to submissions, since something that does not immediately work may fit into a later issue. Please feel free to follow up by sending a message to