Playlists | December 19, 2024

Playlist: Christmas favorites

When invited to share their favorite Christmas music, Church of the Brethren staff and volunteers responded enthusiastically. The playlist of their selections has over 50 songs.

Here are a few contributor comments: 

“I love most Christmas music. It’s hard to pick a favorite.”

“Good King Wenceslas is a favorite of mine. I saw his crypt when I was in Prague. I really like the story of the song and I remember learning to play it on the piano when I was young.”

“This always seems to bring tears to my eyes… “

“I love absolutely anything from “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by Gian Carlo Menotti, which is my all-time favorite Christmas music. I can remember that we watched this every year as a family when I was little. It first came out a few years before I was born but it seemed to be shown on TV every year and I loved it and still do.”

“These Christmas songs always bring me joy and get me in the Christmas spirit!”

To listen to the Spotify list, you will need to create a (free) account.

Spotify playlist

YouTube playlist