From the publisher | March 1, 2016

New contributing editors named

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With this issue we welcome Messenger’s new contributing editors, a group of leaders from across the church who bring a range of experiences and points of view. All have written for the magazine or for Brethren Press. Together they span about 3,000 miles and almost six decades.

Eric Bishop is a college administrator from La Verne, Calif. Before his years in the academic world, he served a stint as managing editor of Messenger. Last year he wrote a Messenger article on his experience as a black man in the Church of the Brethren.

Sandy Bosserman, an ordained minister from Peace Valley, Mo., is a retired district executive. A frequent writer, she is the author of a quarterly Bible study, two devotionals, and other resources for Brethren Press.

Dana Cassell is pastor of Peace Covenant Church of the Brethren in Durham, N.C. She blogs occasionally, serves regularly as a guest leader at Brethren Volunteer Service orientations, and assists with projects in the Office of Ministry.

Daniel D’Oleo is a leader in the Renacer movement and pastors Iglesia Cristiana Renacer in Roanoke, Va. He is passionate about Hispanic ministry in the Church of the Brethren, and has written articles on the topic in his local newspaper and in Messenger.

Emmett Eldred, from Hollidaysburg, Pa., is a student at Carnegie-Mellon University. A member of the committee that planned the 2014 National Youth Conference, he built on momentum there to found the Dunker Punks website.

Tim Harvey is pastor at Oak Grove Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va. Moderator of the 2012 Annual Conference, he is the author of several titles for Brethren Press and numerous articles for Messenger.

Bob Neff is professor emeritus of Old Testament at Bethany Theological Seminary, former general secretary of the Church of the Brethren, and president emeritus at Juniata College. Among his writings are five Covenant Bible Studies. He works at the Village at Morrisons Cove in Martinsburg, Pa.

In addition to giving us advice, these people will write essays for both the online and print editions of Messenger. One specific place is the last page of the magazine, renamed “Potluck.” At a potluck, each person brings a contribution for the good of all. Some of the food is different from what we cook at home, but that’s what makes it interesting.

You can bring something to the table too. Read the articles in Messenger and tell us what you think by writing a letter to the editor. Send your home cooked contribution to

Wendy McFadden is publisher of Brethren Press and Communications for the Church of the Brethren.