Playlist: Behold, I’m doing a new thing!
Music for the new year in the spirit of Conrad Beissel, notable for a capella disjointed rhythms
Music for the new year in the spirit of Conrad Beissel, notable for a capella disjointed rhythms
Church of the Brethren staff share their favorite Christmas music
Music selected to accompany the 2024 Advent devotional, Sing Gloria!
Fun and inspiring camp songs to bring back memories and make new ones
A playlist curated by Annual Conference moderator Madalyn Metzger, reflecting the theme “Welcome and Worthy”.
A Church of the Brethren anti-war playlist curated by BVS volunteer Cornelius Raff.
Get to know the songs and hymns that will be used at Annual Conference 2024.
Music reflecting the theme of “life” from the March 2024 issue of Messenger, curated by Allison Snyder.
Music by and about refugees chosen to accompany the features in the January/February 2024 issue of Messenger.