Climate Change

No time for denial

We are in a wide-ranging, multi-faceted emergency, requiring an immediate global change–but as Brethren, we have the ability to make a difference

Climate Change

Creating a climate for a new life

On a sunny day in May of 2014, Germany generated a record
74 percent of its electricity renewably…Perhaps more surprisingly, Costa Rica currently generates at least 90 percent of its electricity renewably; earlier this year, its national electric utility supplied its citizens with 100 percent fossil fuel-free electricity for a world-record 75 straight days. Denmark, meanwhile, is on pace to achieve total independence from fossil fuels in 35 years, meeting all of its electricity, transportation, heating, and cooling needs with renewables by 2050.

Climate Change

Creating a climate for peace

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matt. 5:9). Encountering this familiar verse from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, how often are we guilty of unconsciously changing it to “Blessed are the peace lovers…?” Ah, if only loving peace and making peace were one and the same. Loving peace requires

Climate Change

Creating a climate for justice

“What does a changing global climate mean for the poor, both now and if we stay on the current path?” Authors Sharon Yohn and Laura White address that question in this, their second article in a series on climate change.

Climate Change

Changing the climate with love

Coming to terms with the reality of human-induced climate change is tough. Admitting that it’s happening and that we’re playing a leading role puts us firmly “on the hook” for doing something about it.