Advertise with us

2023 advertising rate card (PDF)

For more information or to reserve space


Messenger Advertising
1451 Dundee Ave.
Elgin, IL 60120
800-323-8039, ext. 308
fax 847-742-1407

Magazine profile

Each issue of Messenger reaches over 5,400 households and congregations, in print and with our digital edition. Most of those are connected to the Church of the Brethren, a Christian denomination with Anabaptist-Pietist roots.

The 32-page color magazine is filled with features, news, and other articles about Christ at work through the church. Messenger also includes media reviews, letters, and Bible studies. These resources and more go out 10 times a year.

We invite you, via your advertisements, to reach the readers of Messenger.

Closing dates

Issue Space reservations Copy
Jan./Feb. Nov. 1 Nov. 15
Mar. Jan. 1 Jan. 15
Apr. Feb. 1 Feb. 15
May Mar. 1 Mar. 15
June Apr. 1 Apr. 15
July/Aug. May 1 May 15
Sept. July 1 July 15
Oct. Aug. 1 Aug. 15
Nov. Sept. 1 Sept. 15
Dec. Oct. 1 Oct. 15

Deadline for cancellation is the same as the deadline for space reservations. Advertisements canceled after that date will still be billed for the cost of space originally reserved.


Minimum charge is $75 for up to 80 words; 50 cents per word beyond 80 words. A 10% frequency discount will be given for 6 or more classified ads in one year. Ads may be edited to conform to Messenger style. Classified ads must be received in writing, preferably via e-mail, by the reservation deadline listed above.

Ad specifications

All ads are four-color process. Ads should be sent as high-resolution PDF files. All fonts and graphics must be included with the file. Trim size for page is 8½ x 11” with ¼” bleed on four sides. Minimum line screen is 133;
150 is preferred. Advertiser will be billed extra charges for additional preparation of ads.

Ad sizes

  1x 3x 7x
Cover 2 $1,584 $1,353 $1,206
Cover 3 1,689 1,519 1,353
Cover 4 1,910 1,722 1,534
Full page inside 

  • (8 1/2″ x 11″)
$1,353 $1,221 $1,088
2/3 page 

  • (4 7/8″ x 9 3/4″)
1,133 1,022 912
1/2 page 

  • horizontal (7 1/2″ x 5″)
  • vertical (4 7/8″ x 7 1/2″)
933 824 736
1/3 page 

  • horizontal (4 7/8″ x 5″)
  • vertical (2 1/4″ x 9 3/4″)
765 692 618
1/6 page 

  • (2 1/4″ x 5″)
527 476 427
Column inch 168 155 140
Bind-in cards Price will be equivalent to cost of full-page ad plus $260 for binding.

Website ads

Runs on the Messenger homepage and every article page on our site. Ad size 300 pixels wide by 300-600 pixels high in .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format. $450 for 4 weeks.