Other organizations

Organizations founded by Brethren engaged in global work. These organizations all support or have been supported financially by the Global Missions Office. (This list is for informational purposes and is not an endorsement.)

Brethren Mission Fund


Provides a channel for the Brethren Revival Fellowship to support Brethren mission work and Brethren workers where the gospel of Jesus Christ is being presented for the salvation of souls.

Brethren World Missions

(No website)

Independent organization raising funds to support Brethren global mission work based in Manheim, Pennsylvania. “The purpose of Brethren World Mission is to help the Church of the Brethren fulfill the Annual Conference mandate to become a world church.”

Center for Caring, Empowerment and Peace Initiatives (CCEPI)

(No website)

Founded by Brethren; based in Nigeria CCEPI’s motto is to train and help others to help them selves and help train others. “As the women came to see each other as co-suffering humans, they saw the need to stop their husbands and your from violence and to live in peace.”

Heifer International


Founded by Brethren. “On a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities.  

New Community Project


Founded by Brethren. A small non-profit with a big goal: to change the world. Focuses on environmental sustainability and social justice. Projects and learning tours.

Proyecto Aldea Global


Founded by Brethren; based in Honduras. Empowering families to reduce poverty and build just, peaceful, and productive communities based on Christian values.

You’ai Care


Founded by Brethren; based in China. Introduced hospice care in the former Brethren mission field in Shanxi, China.