“My 2¢ Worth”

How to use “My 2¢ Worth” labels or envelopes

Sunday school
Designate a can or jar in your Sunday school classroom and encourage coin collection. Connect “My 2¢ Worth” with your curriculum.

Distribute envelopes and designate one Sunday—or start a regular Sunday schedule—for a special Global Food Crisis Fund offering.

Encourage individuals and families to designate a can or jar on the dinner table to make “My 2¢ Worth” and prayer part of a daily meal.

History of “My 2¢ Worth”

In 1983, the General Board challenged the Church of the Brethren to raise one million dollars for hunger relief in the Horn of Africa through a 2¢-a-meal campaign. In order to remind Brethren to donate two cents per person per meal, soup cans with a “My 2¢ Worth” label were placed on kitchen tables and in Sunday school classrooms to collect donations. Through this effort, the denomination met its challenge. “My 2¢ Worth” has continued ever since, funding more than five million dollars in Global Food Crisis Fund (now Global Food Initiative) grants to support food security initiatives around the globe.

To request pre-printed “My 2¢ Worth” labels or envelopes, contact Jennifer Hosler, Global Food Initiative manager, (847)429-4332

Print your own labels

Your support of the Global Food Initiative upholds the biblical command to lift the burden of the oppressed. Moreover it honors God, for as stated in Proverbs 14:31, “Kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship.”