Vital Passions, Holy Practices:
The Bible study
Long before the baptisms in 1708, the first Brethren gathered together to study the scriptures. They met under the then radical assumption that the Bible was available and accessible to all Christians, believing that the Holy Spirit joins in the gathering of believers.
The small group studies in this series are based on that same conviction, with each session organized so that prayer and scripture reading are integrated. These shared studies will outline the role of spiritual gifts within the church, based on texts describing:
- The Calling of the First Deacons
- Gifts of the Spirit and the Body of Christ
- Spiritual Gifts in a Mixed Community
- Gifts for the Ministry of the Whole Church
The format is simple. Those gathered read the texts three times, each followed by silence or the sharing of insights or reflections. The third reading is accompanied by one or more questions relevant to the text, questions like:
- How does your congregation call and develop its leadership?
- How might your congregation empower each member for its mission?
- How does your congregation take part in sending gifted individuals into the ministry of the church beyond your community?
Each gathering is closed with shared prayer with each member of the group invited to participate, and ends with a unison prayer.