Registration Cost
- Register by October 1 for the $99.00 registration price per person. Registration includes Saturday lunch and dinner, and Friday Ice Cream Social.
- After Oct. 1 price will increase to $125.00 per person
- Register 5 or more individuals from the same church to receive the discounted price of $79.00 per person
Childcare and Meals
- $25 for first child; $15 for each child thereafter.
- Children 6 mths- 2 years – Parents provide food for their children.
- Children 2 years-12 years – Meals included from adult selections.
The link to register your children is on your registration confirmation page and confirmation email or use the button below.
Registration Helps
- There are two profiles- Attendee and Attendee with CEUs. Please choose between these two.
In order to receive CEUs you must be either commissioned, licensed or ordained, plus a $10 fee will be added to cover the cost.
For those not wanting to have CEUs, please register by clicking “Attendee”.
- If you are registering another person(s) beside yourself, you will have the option to do so. You will be asked to charge this additional person or persons to your credit card.
- To hold your additional attendee slots, please enter the best information you have now by clicking the “Change” action button to the right of each guest slot. You may update this information later by visiting MY ACCOUNT > MY EVENTS but you should put in names now to avoid confusion later. Use this If you intend to register multiple parties and pay with the same credit card.
- Please note: Your confirmation page and email have links to various sites, but also to re-enter the registration site and add names and information of those you would like to add. You will still need to pay for them with your card. This is especially helpful for those churches wanting to invite others in their congregation to participate in the conference. Discounted price for 5 or more individuals from the same church is $79. CEUs will be extra (additional $10 fee will be charged for each person requesting CEUs). You will find a button that says, “Someone Else”. Before you start, make sure you have their:
- full name
- home address
- email address
- mobile phone number
- Additional Navigation – for Mobile Phone, mobile site for desktop – look at the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the main navigational icons. The Home icon takes you back to the main screen. The Menu icon at the far left will bring out the event website’s content tabs. The Avatar icon (upper right corner) will help you navigate between the desktop and mobile views of the site.
Direct link to mobile site
Go to childcare registration form
Presenters only
Go to Presenters registration form
You will need a code to access this. Please contact Randi Rowan if you do not have that. Please register yourself only.