
La Verne investigates housing history

La Verne Church of the Brethren offered an event exploring local housing history through displays and historical documents, inspired by a talk given by Drew G.I. Hart about his book “Who Will Be a Witness?”

Trifold poster with title "Arbol Verde (The East Barrio).

Lafayette denounces racially motivated violence

“As Christians, we know God loves everyone and calls us to love our neighbors and our enemies.” The Lafayette (Ind.) congregation developed a statement calling for repentance and prayer following high-profile murders.

Church with signs saying "75 years for peace"

Cabool holds workshop

Cabool Church of the Brethren held a workshop based on the book “Who Will Be a Witness” by Dr. Drew Hart.

West Richmond walks local slave trail

West Richmond Church of the Brethren has offered a variety of learning opportunities to replace in-person Sunday School during the pandemic

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