
Cedar Grove holds “Touch a Truck” event

The “Touch a Truck” event at Cedar Grove Church of the Brethren allowed people to interact with trucks, construction vehicles, and even a helicopter.

People gathered around a helicopter

Oakton connects with Tibetan families

When Oakton Church of the Brethren began a free tutoring program called Oakton Partners in Learning, some of the first families to connect were of Tibetan heritage. The connection strengthened when the program adapted to virtual tutoring during seasons of online learning.

Smiling Tibetan people sitting at table

Lititz welcomes school

When a local Christian school found itself without a home, the church opened its doors

People in church sanctuary with message "You are welcome here"

North Fort Myers church reaches out

“In the last few months there have been many showers of blessings raining down on us and times when the bleakness of the situation brought us to our knees. Through it all, this church became a beacon of light”

North Fort Myers Church of the Brethren sign with weekly activities

Beacon Heights welcomes neighbors

Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren cares about neighbors; their need for food, books, and play; their need to share what they have to offer; their need to meet each other and be known.

Children in front of a handmade sign that says "Toy store"

Hanover installs AED

Hanover (Pa.) Church of the Brethren recently received a grant from the Brethren Faith in Action Fund to purchase and install an automated external defibrillator (AED).

7 photos of people playing games and eating ice cream

Papago Buttes holds community events

Papago Buttes Church of the Brethren held a Trunk-or-Treat even in October and plans a Christmas Eve service for their community.

Wildwood reaches out

WildWood Gathering recently received a grant to enhance the way it supports, engages, and evangelizes within its community.

Smiling people behind a sign for Wildwood Gathering

Bethel restores community center

The mission of Bethel Community Center in Arriba, Colorado, is to be “A Gathering Place Where Friends Become Family.”

People using crowbars to pull wooden panels off a curved wall.
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