
Eglise des Freres Haitiens Miami sends team to Haiti

Motivated by the ongoing political and economic crises in Haiti, members of Eglise des Freres Haitiens Miami (Miami Haitian Church of the Brethren in Florida) organized and supported a team of eight people to travel to Haiti from July 16-25. The team focused their work in St. Raphael, a community in the northern part of Haiti, about a two-hour drive from Haiti’s second largest city, Cape Haitian, where they were hosted by the local Brethren church and joined by several members of the national leadership of Eglise des Freres d’Haiti (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). 

Each day began with door-to-door visits in the community, where neighbors were informed of evening revival services. During the week, 28 people made decisions to follow Christ. On the final weekend, a mass wedding was performed for 7 couples. Twelve people were baptized and 13 children were dedicated.

Read more about the trip and see photos in this Newsline story by Jeff Boshart.

Men in river baptizing a person
Baptism in Haiti, July 2022. Photo by Ilexene Alphonse.
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