
Potsdam restarts Kids Club

Potsdam (Ohio) Church of the Brethren received $2,350 from the Brethren Faith in Action Fund to restart its Kids Club, a weekly program for children in grades 1-12. The program runs during the school year, providing a meal followed by a time for music, a Bible story, and memory verse, and breakout activities by age group.

Kids Club is a significant outreach to the community that started in 2014. Before the COVID shutdown, 25 to 30 children attended, with 10 volunteers helping out (8 from the Potsdam church and 2 from the community). Only 6 of the children who participated were from families who attend the church regularly.

Find additional details about the Potsdam children’s program here.

Story from Newsline. Sign up to receive Church of the Brethren news at www.brethren.org/intouch

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