Our prayer for families facing this challenging time is that they will find ways to connect in meaningful ways. We ask you to remember this is not a time to expect perfection. It will be hard, but we remain hopeful that families can navigate this new environment with success. Working from home may be new, kids schooling at home may be new, feeling stressed from the unknowns is normal and the combination of all three puts an ever greater emphasis on just taking it one day at a time. You are doing a great job!
Children’s Disaster Services staff has been reviewing resources and selecting ones that we feel are most beneficial to share to help families feel connected and successful. You will find below our latest suggestions.
- If you have access to Facebook, Children’s Disaster Services has a Facebook page and we have been regularly sharing new resources there so, for the latest updates, we encourage you to like us on Facebook.
- The Church of the Brethren Parent Connection Facebook group is “a place where parents can gather to discuss current topics, find support, and connect with one another”. Members share resources, ideas and challenges related to parenting, particularly as everyone navigates the current COVID-19 environment.
As a private group (posts can’t be seen outside the group), it provides a safe, faith-based place where parents can connect, ask each other questions and talk about what has or hasn’t worked for them. The group is moderated by the Church of the Brethren’s Children and Family Committee. Contact lcrouch@brethren.org for more information.
Faith Communities keeping children and youth safe
Many Covid-19 resources available
Talking with kids about coronavirus

- Explaining COVID-19 to Kids (Wonders & Worries)
- Talking with Kids about coronavirus (PBS)
- Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak (WHO)
- Carol Gray Social Stories
Stories for children with autism
Helping children and families cope during the COVID-19 pandemic
- When a parent has COVID-19, how to best quarantine at home (Wonders & Worries)
- Building Emotional Resilience (Syracuse University, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion)
- In a Time of Crisis, Play is the Work of the Child (Psychology Today)
- Tips for parents on media coverage (courtesy of CLDR and The National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
- Tips to keep parents & children on track from a developmental behavioral pediatrician, in a Q&A format (University of Michigan Medicine)
- Caring for Children: Tips to keep children healthy while school’s out (CDC)
- How to protect your family’s mental health in the face of coronavirus disease (UNICEF)
- COVID-19 Resources & Updates (Good Grief)
A wealth of child resources, including virtual support group for grieving families in both English and Spanish
Helping children deal with grief and loss
- COVID-19: Supporting children at end of life (Wonders & Worries)
- Responding to Change & Loss (interactive workbook from National Alliance for Grieving)
- COVID-19 Resources & Updates (Good Grief)
A wealth of child resources, including virtual support group for grieving families in both English and Spanish
Faith-based resources and curriculum
- Shine Curriculum website for children’s ministry resources
Includes free and downloadable resources for children through Grade 5 - Shine Curriculum Pinterest Boards
Crafts, lessons, activities for children 3-8 - Superbook Kids Bible App (CBN)
Good for older children - The Bible App for Kids (YouVersion)
This has 41 Bible stories and is good for younger children. “The Bible App” for adults. - Adventure Bible Online
Children can look up Bible passages, play Bible games, and participate in a variety of reading plans. - Children’s Ministry ideas: How to engage children and families while sheltering at home (Jamie Nace)
Devotional videos for children
This is an ongoing series of videos. Click the three lines in the upper right-hand corner of the video to see the complete list or choose an earlier one to play.
Educational resources
- NEW* Computer jargon glossary and IT tools for young kids
- List of education companies offering FREE subscriptions due to school closings (kidsactivitiesblog.com)
- Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari
Daily activities and animal education videos - Amazon Audio Books
Free audio books through the pandemic for kids - Interactive games and apps by grade level (ABCya)
- Educational Technology Solutions for COVID-19 Out-of-School Children (ICTWorks)
- Highlights Kids
- Practical Strategies for Teachers/Caregivers (Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, Vanderbilt University)
Spanish and English options for early learners
Fun activities and interactive resources
- NEW* Road Trips from Home; Virtual Field Trips
- Activities to do with kids (Children’s Disaster Services)
- COVID-19 Activity Book (Johns Hopkins Children’s Center)
- Family Activity for Isolation (Shani Thornton, Child Life Mommy)
- Kids Activity Kit: COVID-19 (American Red Cross)
- Play at home activities, including livestream recess options (Playworks)
- Time to Come in, Bear: A children’s story about social distancing (Youtube by Kim St. Lawrence)
In English, Spanish, and ASL - COVIBOOK (Manuela Molina)
Downloadable & printable book/workbook in multiple languages to help younger children work through their emotions about the coronavirus and COVID-19