New Bethany Ministries is a community of hope and support for people experiencing poverty, hunger, and homelessness. The organization operates two soup kitchens, a food pantry, transitional and permanent housing, and provides wraparound services. The Kitchen and Pantry Assistant helps operate New Bethany’s food related services and ensures guests of our kitchens are able to
State (U.S.): Pennsylvania
Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren / bcmPEACE
The Harrisburg First COB and its outreach arm, bcmPEACE, are active in the community by providing assistance to people in various ways – free computer classes, food distribution, referral ministries, and through a youth leadership program. We are seeking a Community Outreach Assistant to provide outreach and communication for the service areas of the HFCOB
Lancaster Area Habitat for Humanity
Lancaster Lebanon Area Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and our surrounding community, to develop strong neighborhoods where people can live and grow into all that God intended. We do this in two main ways by building affordable homes for first time homeowners and through selling home building materials, furniture, and appliances at
Camp Swatara
Camp Swatara is a Church of the Brethren summer camp, year round retreat/conference center, and family campground. The purpose of Camp Swatara is to provide opportunities in the natural setting for persons of all ages to grow in their relationship to Jesus Christ so that they may give their lives to Him in total discipleship.