BVS bulletin insert
Share the word about BVS as it celebrates its 75th anniversary! A bulletin insert file is now available for use by congregations and other events.
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BVS display for districts or congregations:
Contact the BVS office (e-mail: or call (800) 323-8039)
with this information:
- Date you need to receive it by
- The name of the Event, District, or Congregation
- The name, address and phone number of a contact person
Someone will get back to you to let you know if we can have it available at that time. Please give at least 2-3 weeks notice.
To request copies of any of these materials, please send an e-mail to: or call the BVS office at (800) 323-8039 (be sure to ask for BVS staff).
BVS Project Book
Request a paper copy of the BVS Project Book, or view current projects online.
Promotional Cards
BVS Logo T-shirt
Purple with white screenprinted logo
$15 (plus shipping & handling)
The Volunteer
This newsletter is written by Brethren volunteers. View online or receive by e-mail.