The San Diego First Church of the Brethren was founded over 100 years ago. Now at its third location, we are blessed with a large campus located in the Fairmont Park area situated conveniently off the 94, the 805 and the 15 freeways. We are happy to share our facilities with several ministries and non-profit groups that believe in seeking peace and justice, living simply, caring for the Earth and bringing people together.
Volunteer Opportunities
Potato Project
Beijing, ChinaA community-based participatory breeding activity based from our research facilities located in Beijing, China. This position is new, so no model exists for this work. Therefore, we seek an individual that can work across cultures, and languages (whether spoken directly or indirectly through a translator), uniting farmers to achieve an agreed potato breeding framework and common purpose.
Christ House
Washington, D.C.Christ House is a 24-hour residential medical facility for men experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC. The mission of Christ House is to provide comprehensive and compassionate care for people experiencing homelessness with acute medical needs in the District of Columbia and to offer assistance in addressing critical issues to help break the cycle of homelessness. All volunteers must be over 21 years old, and we strongly encourage recent college graduates to apply.
Greenhill YMCA
Newcastle, Northern IrelandGreenhill YMCA provides opportunity and encouragement for individuals, within a safe and supportive atmosphere, to broaden their experiences and take on new challenges in pursuit of a new and deeper learning. Whether it’s your first step or your hundredth, fuel your love of adventure and get active while working with the largest youth charity in the world, YMCA!
Gould Farm
Monterey, MassachusettsGould Farm employs a community-centered, work-based therapeutic approach that delivers structure, fosters community engagement, and provides clinical support for our guests, who stay at Gould Farm for an average of 9 – 12 months.
Brethren Academy
Gisenyi, RwandaBrethren Academy is a nursery school in a village setting on the outskirts of a small town in Rwanda, associated with the Church of the Brethren in the Africa Great Lakes region.
Colegio Miguel Angel Asturias
Quetzaltenango, GuatemalaColegio Miguel Angel Asturias is an innovative non-profit school that provides education to children from the most vulnerable sectors of society.
Camp Mardela
Denton, MarylandCamp Mardela, owned by the Mid-Atlantic District of the Church of the Brethren, is located on 125 acres of woodland. Camp Mardela’s mission is to “provide children and adults with opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, and recreation in a setting that deepens their appreciation for God’s creation.”
Camp Courageous
Monticello, IowaCamp Courageous of Iowa is a year-round recreation and respite care facility that annually serves over 6,000 people with disabilities. Camp Courageous believes that all people, regardless of ability level, have the right to opportunities found in the world around them and that individuals with disabilities, as well as their families, should be able to experience year-round recreational and respite care activities in a camp setting.
Lydia’s House
Cincinnati, OhioLydia’s House is a home for women and children experiencing homelessness. We provide supportive, safe, and stable housing for these families, first via our shelter (houses up to five families) and then through our affordable apartments nearby. We are based in the Catholic Worker tradition and strive to exemplify many of the tenants of that model of ministry, such as staying small and sharing meals and worship/prayer.