
Copyright (home)Copyright basicsFAQMusicLinksSeeking permission (online form)

Interpreting copyright law and understanding how it affects churches can be a daunting task. These pages provide general information about copyright law, answer some of your most frequently asked questions, and guide you in getting permission to use works that are protected by copyright.

Contact us for permission to use works owned or administered by

  • Brethren Press,
  • faithQuest (imprint),
  • the Church of the Brethren, and
  • the Hymnal Project.

U.S. mail:
Brethren Press
Attn: Permissions
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120

Phone:  800-323-8039, or 847-742-5100, ext. 309
Fax:  800-667-8188

For information about the proper use of the Church of the Brethren logo, contact