Thank you for signing up to participate on a Brethren Disaster Ministries project! Before you go, please familiarize yourself with our guidelines for volunteering and fill out the necessary forms.
BDM Rebuilding Program brochure
BDM Volunteer Handbook
A handy guide to answer your questions about participating on a BDM project.
BDM Policy on Minors as Volunteers
Youth ministers, advisors and parents! Please read and follow BDM’s guidelines for youth groups.
What to Pack for Your Volunteer Week
This packing list will help you decide what’s appropriate to take with you on your disaster response trip.
Tool Kits and other Project Tools
BDM provides a tool trailer on site with hand and power tools. These pictorial lists can help you decide if there are any additional tools you might wish to bring with you.
Photo Sharing instructions
BDM welcomes photos shared by our volunteers. Once you have returned from a volunteer week, take a few moments and share some of your photos and memories. These are used in a variety of promotional materials for brochures, displays and social media.
Questions about these forms can be directed to your District Disaster Coordinator, group leader, or the BDM office at or 800-451-4407.
Fillable Registration and Release Form
This form and the next one are basically the same thing. The next form can be printed and scanned or mailed. This form is fillable online. Here are instructions to use this form:
- Save the PDF to your computer.
- If you have Adobe Acrobat (NOT Acrobat Reader), use that to fill out and save the form. Since Acrobat is expensive, a free option follows
- Go to
- In the upper righthand side, click the button that says “Use Free”.
- Choose the option that says “Upload PDF to PDFescape”. Upload the PDF.
- Fill out the entire form. Pink boxes are required, blue boxes are helpful but not required.
- On the left side of the PDFescape site, there is a green box with two chevrons/arrows pointing down. Click that to save and download your file.
- You can use this form to create an updated version each time you volunteer on a BDM project. Please always update the “Dates on Project” field and any other information that has changed.
Volunteer Registration and Release Form
Please fill out this form completely, sign it, and hand it in to your group leader. The parent or legal guardian of any youth under age 18 must also sign.
Authorization of Consent to Emergency Care of Minor
The parent or legal guardian of any youth under 18 years of age is required to sign this form in order for the youth to participate on a Brethren Disaster Ministries project.
Volunteer Skill Sets Roster
Group leaders, please fill out this form to indicate the skills of each member of the group. Mail or e-mail the completed form to the project at least one week prior to arrival.
Medical ID card
Print the PDF document above to fill out manually or go to this link to fill out online and then print.
Volunteer Evaluation of Project
We want your feedback and stories! Please fill out the project evaluation at the end of your volunteer trip and return it to the BDM office, or fill out the Volunteer Evaluation online.