Parking for hotel guests
Parking is complimentary for guests staying at the two conference center hotels. Valet parking is NOT free.
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Self-parking is located across the street from the Pearl Street entrance and accessible by City Skywalk. If the parking lot is full, you will be directed to the JW Marriott parking garage which is a sister property. When you park at the self-parking lot, please TAKE YOUR TICKET to the FRONT DESK. Your parking ticket will be validated. Your ROOM KEY will get you OUT of the parking structure. You will need to PULL A NEW TICKET each time you reenter the lot and visit the front desk for validation each time. You will not be charged any parking fees.
Address: 187 Monroe Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Please note: Valet parking will be charged $41 per day, it is not free!
Courtyard Hotel
Self-parking is located in the garages indicated as A & B on this map. You will be able to use your room key to get in and out of the lots marked. If you park before checking in, please take a ticket to enter the lot and then use your room key after checking in. You will not be changed any parking fees.
Address: Courtyard Grand Rapids Downtown, 11 Monroe Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Parking for the DeVos Place Convention Center
303 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, Mi 49503 – 616-742-6500
$2/half hour – $25 max. $10 evening rate after 5 pm and on weekends
DeVos Place has parking conveniently located under the convention center.
Access to the parking lot is on Michigan Street (heading East) and Lyon Street CLOSED.
Additional parking may be available in the City-County Building on Monroe Avenue (across from DeVos Place) or several other parking structures within walking distance.
Vehicles that are too large to fit in a parking structure may be given a permit to park on Scribner Avenue during the dates of the event. Parking on Scribner is available on a first come, first served basis.