2022 Statement, Standing with People of Color

We recognize the struggles faced by many of our sisters and brothers of color and believe the church should be agents of change. We encourage congregations, districts, agencies, and other denominational entities to continue to follow the teachings of Jesus by living out the great commandment of loving our neighbor as ourselves. We understand the great diversity that the word neighbor implies. So, we encourage congregations to study the teachings of Jesus and how they apply to our relationships with all people of color, to express solidarity with all people of color, offer sanctuary from all forms of violence, and identify and dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions, and then begin to live out those findings by being Jesus in the neighborhood.

The above statement was adopted as an official statement of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference as a result of the following business item:

NB 2. Query: Standing with People of Color

Whereas sometimes the Church of the Brethren has taken prophetic stands on racial justice, as when in 1782 and 1797 it held that members could not own slaves;

Whereas sometimes we have been less than prophetic, as when the church has allowed discrimination against People of Color in rituals1 or allowed People of Color to be forced out of membership such as Mattie Cunningham Dolby;

Whereas violence against People of Color has been increasing in our neighborhoods, cities, and around the world;

Whereas the number of “Hate Groups” has grown to over 800 just in the United States, mostly against People of Color (Statista 2021);

Whereas US Immigration laws have often openly discriminated on the basis of race and have worked to limit or ban refugees seeking peace from the violence from their home countries;

Whereas Jesus taught us that our neighbor is a stranger in need, Luke 10:29-37;

And whereas Paul saw each person as a part of the body, Ephesians 4:1-16;

Therefore, how can the Church of the Brethren stand with People of Color to offer sanctuary from violence and dismantle systems of oppression and racial inequity in our congregations, neighborhoods, and throughout the nation?

1 Holy Kiss Ritual – Actions of Annual Conference, 1835, 1845, and 1875

Adopted by Southern Ohio/Kentucky District Board August 17, 2021 and passed on to Southern Ohio/Kentucky District Conference.

Todd Reish, District Board Chair
PJ Arndts, District Clerk

Adopted by the Southern Ohio/Kentucky District Conference October 9, 2021. and passed on to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference.

Nick Beam, District Moderator
PJ Arndts, District Clerk

Action of the 2022 Annual Conference: District representative Todd Reish explained the origin of the query in the Southern Ohio/Kentucky District. Standing Committee delegate Debbie Eisenbise from the Pacific Northwest District presented Standing Committee’s recommendation. Annual Conference adopted Standing Committee’s recommendation that the concerns of the query “Standing with People of Color” be accepted with thanks to the church and district for this important reminder. Annual Conference adopted Standing Committee’s recommendation that the concerns be answered with this response, which incorporates one amendment:

We recognize the struggles faced by many of our sisters and brothers of color and believe the church should be agents of change. We encourage congregations, districts, agencies, and other denominational entities to continue to follow the teachings of Jesus by living out the great commandment of loving our neighbor as ourselves. We understand the great diversity that the word neighbor implies. So, we encourage congregations to study the teachings of Jesus and how they apply to our relationships with all people of color, to express solidarity with all people of color, offer sanctuary from all forms of violence, and identify and dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions, and then begin to live out those findings by being Jesus in the neighborhood.

Annual Conference adopted Standing Committee’s recommendation that this response now becomes an official statement of Annual Conference.

Annual Conference adopted Standing Committee’s recommendation that this response to the query on “Standing with People of Color” be implemented through a two-year study/action process. This will include Southern Ohio-Kentucky District and On Earth Peace collaborating to develop various materials for congregational, district, and denominational use. Standing Committee members will support and encourage the use of these materials and participation in the process and report back to Annual Conference in 2023 and 2024.