An End to the War in Iraq
2006 Church of the Brethren Resolution
Whereas: As Christians we are continually called to give witness to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, who called us to love our enemies;
Whereas: The 2004 Annual Conference Resolution on Iraq proclaimed a time of confession and repentance for our nation’s involvement in the violence of the Iraq war;
Whereas: As members of the Church of the Brethren we affirm our denomination’s historic and living witness that all war is sin;
Whereas: As disciples of Christ and members of one of the three historic peace churches, we cannot ignore the death, destruction and violence in the war in Iraq;
Whereas: The message of Jesus “to love your enemy” (Matthew 6:27) is inconsistent with military action and moves us instead toward peaceful methods, diplomacy, moral suasion, nonviolent sanctions, and international cooperation to address violence and aggression;
Whereas: Military combatants and support personnel as well as innocent civilians, including women, children, and the infirm are being killed and maimed and that war demeans and brutalizes all its participants;
Whereas: Military intervention in Iraq has triggered wave after wave of brutal acts of terrorism;
Whereas: The enormous expense of the war is a disastrous drain on the resources that are so desperately needed to relieve suffering at home and around the world;
Therefore, we, the delegate body of the 220th Recorded Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren, meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, July 1-5, 2006, do call upon our members to pray and to give witness to the sin of violence, and we petition the United States federal government, the United Nations, and other relevant nations and groups to seek peace by taking action to bring troops home from Iraq. We call on religious leaders from all faiths who preach violence to consider the things that truly make for peace. The wisdom of Jonah provides direction: “Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence” (Jonah 3:8). Furthermore, we prayerfully call upon the global community to formulate and actively implement a nonviolent, just plan that will bring peace and security to Iraq.
Action of the General Board
At its July 1, 2006 meeting the General Board approved the resolution, An End to the War in Iraq. The General Board recommends the adoption of this resolution by the 2006 Annual Conference.
Action of the 2006 Annual Conference
Annual Conference adopted the recommendation of Standing Committee that the resolution “An End to the War in Iraq” be adopted.