Affirmation of the WCC’s Decade to Overcome Violence
2000 Annual Conference Resolution
In joining The Decade to Overcome Violence, the Church of the Brethren commits itself to a decade-long emphasis on addressing and overcoming violence in its many manifescations in our communities, nation and world. The initiative originated at the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, and will be a worldwide interdenominational effort. A priority will be for denominations to use their own particular gifts and insights, sharing these with other communions while drawing on them in serious and creative attempts to share the gospel of peace with a violence-prone world. The Historic Peace Churches, including the Church of the Brethren, may be called on to offer special leadership at points throughout the Decade. The campaign is set to be launched in January 2001.
Recommendation of the General Board: That the Church of the Brethren through the Annual Conference join the Decade to Overcome Violence.
Action of the General Board: At its March 12, 2000 meeting, the Board voted unanimously to pass the above recommendation on to the 2000 Annual Conference.
Mary Jo Flory-Steury, chair
Judy Mills Reimer, executive director
Action of the 2000 Annul Conference: Kathy Hess, a Standing Committee member from the Northern Ohio district, presented the Standing Committee recommendation to affirm the World Council of Churches’ Decade to Overcome Violence. The delegate body adopted the recommendation of Standing Committee.