A Call to Evangelistic Outreach for the Church of the Brethren in the 90’s
1992 Church of the Brethren Statement
Through the Goals for the ’90s, persons across the denomination have called for new emphasis on evangelistic outreach in the name of Jesus Christ.
New initiatives for evangelism and growth are thus being developed , building on such current ministries as the Evangelism Leaders Academy, new church development, and Passing on the Promise.
Expanded evangelistic will occur in the context of the church’s wider commitment to peace and justice, congregational renewal, leadership training, and Christian nurture. Disciple-seeking and disciple-making go hand in hand.
The following goals have been formulated to provide the Church of the Brethren a measure of accountability in our outreach to people. Numbers in themselves are not important. But a widening circle of participants on God’s salvation and God’s mission is of utmost importance.
The annual Conference is asked to adopt the following goals for the period 1993-1995.
- That congregations be challenged to increase their average worship attendance by 10 percent each year.
- That congregations be challenged to increase participation in Christian education groups (Sunday School classes, small groups, Bible study groups, etc.) by 10 percent each year.
- That congregations be challenged to add (by baptism, transfer of membership, and reaffirmation of faith) a number of new members each year that equals 10 percent of their average worship attendance.
- That through their elected delegate(s), congregations bring to Annual Conference yearly, a listing of new persons reached through the 10 percent challenge emphasis. Those names will be received in a spirit of celebration, in acknowledgment of the gift of new persons, and the new life they bring.
- That denominational evangelism and new church development staff be instructed to challenge congregations with the goals above, and that they continue to work in partnership with districts in developing evangelistic outreach strategies.
A call to Evangelistic outreach for the Church of the Brethren in the 90’s was adopted by the General Board at its October 21-22, 1991 meetings to be commended to Annual Conference.
David M. Wine, Board Chair
Donald E. Miller, General Secretary
Action of the 1992 Annual Conference: John Kreps, a Standing Committee member from the South/Central Indiana district, presented the recommendation from Standing Committee that A CALL TO EVANGELIST1C OUTREACH be adopted. The delegate body adopted the recommendation of Standing Committee.