Volunteer Service
1979 Church of the Brethren Resolution
Recognizing the decrease of volunteers for the many creative ministries and the increasing threat to world peace that have their roots in attitudes and actions within every community, Standing Committee requests the Annual Conference delegates, through their district boards, to make as a priority within their district program the nurturing of our historical understanding of shalom (wholeness of all life).
The Annual Conference delegates are further requested to call their local church, through its recognized congregational business meeting, to engage in the nurturing of shalom for their church community and to report yearly to their district conference.
Such a program for the local congregation could include the following:
- Promoting opportunities for Brethren youth of all ages to participate in study, work and fellowship which emphasize peace. They should work when possible in teams for mutual support and motivation. Study and interaction with community will be a major part of their activity.
- Developing creative volunteer programs for all members.
- Challenging persons to give a minimum of one year of volunteer service.
- Actively searching for worthy projects within the community which will help promote shalom.
- Considering one to three months’ work camps to work at specific needs within the community.
- Supporting their volunteers and encouraging this service financially, spiritually, personally.
- Vigorously promoting BVS for those persons who have skills and commitment to participate in service beyond the local community.
Standing Committee delegates will report back to Standing Committee annually for the next five years on their district’s response.
Action of 1979 Annual Conference
The Resolution on Volunteer Service came from Standing Committee. The recommendation for its adoption was presented by John Bunch. The delegate body voted to accept the amended motion for the adoption of the Resolution on Volunteer Service by referring the concerns of the Resolution to the General Board which will encourage the suitable implementation.