(one person, 5-year term) – representing Laity
Ineligible: Art Fourman
5-year term on the committee that serves as an advisory group on all referred pastoral compensation matters and provides a regular review of pastoral salaries and benefits, with an annual recommendation for adjusting the cash salary table for pastors.
Numbers of Members:
The committee is composed of five members representing pastors (1 member), district executives (1 member), and the laity (3 members), with one laity member being a compensation practitioner from the secular world. All are elected by Annual Conference via a Standing Committee ballot, except the district executive, who is nominated by the Council of District Executives and confirmed by Annual Conference. A Church of the Brethren staff member of the Office of Human Resources serves as a non-voting liaison to this committee.
For the four elected members of the committee, the Nominating Committee of Standing Committee obtains nominations appropriate for the position currently open in order to present four nominees to Standing Committee, which votes to reduce the ballot to two nominees per position to present to Annual Conference. For the district executive representative, the Council of District Executives presents its nomination, and Annual Conference is asked to confirm the nomination.
Term and Schedule:
Committee members serve a five-year, non-repeating term. The committee meets in the fall. In the winter, it consults with the Council of District Executives and throughout the year with other groups that request the committee’s counsel. In the spring, the committee prepares its reports and its annual recommendation to Annual Conference regarding a cost of living adjustment for the minimum cash salary table for pastors. Committee members are sometimes invited to work with subcommittees of the Council of District Executives. Every five years, the committee reports to Annual Conference an in-depth review of pastoral compensation and benefits, which in recent years required monthly meetings.
Expenses, including travel, are paid for the annual retreat, when held in person. Other meetings are usually online. The chairperson’s expenses to bring the report of the committee to Annual Conference are paid.