(one person, 5-year term), skill set requested:
nominees who can help OEP “develop and walk with leaders and communities who work for justice and peace.” To participate in the board’s “values-based consensus” decision making process, board members must complete a specialized 2.5 -day training program in anti-racism, for which OEP covers costs.
5-year term on the board of an agency whose mission is to “develop and walk with leaders and communities who work for justice and peace.” On Earth Peace currently focuses its work on the principles and practices of Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation, which is one specific way of embodying Jesus discipleship. OEP helps people practice justice and peace through programs of training and accompaniment that provide skills, support, and spiritual foundations to help build “a world in Beloved Community, liberated from oppression, violence, and war.”
See onearthpeace.org and www.brethren.org/ac/ppg, ch. 2, section II.C.
Number of members:
The bylaws of On Earth Peace Assembly provide for 15 members on its board of directors. Of the 15 members, Annual Conference elects five. OEP’s constituency of current financial supporters elects the remaining 10 members. Current financial supporters are those who have made a contribution within 24 months of the election.
For each position to be elected by Annual Conference, the Nominating Committee of Standing Committee presents four nominees to Standing Committee, which votes to reduce the ballot to two nominees per position to present to Annual Conference. Board members elected by OEP’s constituency are presented to Annual Conference for confirmation. Board members elected by the OEP board to fulfill any unexpired terms are presented to the subsequent Annual Conference for confirmation.
At least 4/5ths (80%) of the total number of elected and confirmed directors are to be members of the Church of the Brethren. A director on the On Earth Peace Board cannot be employed by or serve on the board of another agency reportable to Annual Conference.
Special Considerations
The On Earth Peace board acts through a “values-based consensus” decision making process. The OEP governing values appear below. In order to participate in this consensus decision making, each board member must complete a specialized training program in anti-racism. This training program typically takes 2.5 days to complete, and requires travel to a training location. OEP pays all the costs of tuition and travel for this training program. There are no tests or qualifications required, only full participation in the training.
OEP Values for Consensus Decision Making:
- Jesus-Centered Spirituality: We follow Jesus into the work of justice and peace. We share in spiritual practices and develop faith resources to help undergird our programs.
- Positive Peace: We learn, teach and practice dynamic forms of peacemaking which see conflict as an important tool to meet needs, address injustice, correct imbalances of power, and seek healing and reconciliation.
- Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression: We commit to name and undo barriers to participation in our programs based on identity, and to work for full inclusion and equity for all who wish to join in our work. We commit to the long-term transformation of On Earth Peace, the church, and society.
- Intergenerational Leadership: We nurture peacemakers and leaders, and honor the wisdom, skill, and experience of all generations.
- Beloved Community: We commit to raising the levels of relationships until justice and peace prevail, and all people attain their full human potential.
Term and Schedule:
All of the On Earth Peace directors are elected to a five-year term, serving from the beginning of the next fiscal year following their election until the close of the fiscal year in which their term expires. and are eligible for re-election for one additional consecutive term. A person who has served as director for two consecutive terms is not eligible for re-election until one full year has expired after completion of serving two consecutive terms. Partial terms of one year or less shall not be counted in considering eligibility for re-election.
The board meets twice a year, in the fall and in the spring, usually in early April and early October, with meetings spanning Thursday afternoon through Saturday morning. The board usually meets in people-of-color majority neighborhood locations.
Expenses are paid for board meetings.