Formed by funds generated from the sale of the upper campus of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, the Brethren Faith in Action Fund provides grants to fund outreach ministry projects that serve their communities, strengthen the congregation, and expand the reign of God. Such ministries will honor and continue the legacy of service that the Center has epitomized while also addressing the dynamics of the present age. Grants of up to $5,000 per congregation or ministry project per year are awarded, with a maximum of $15,000 allocated to any one ministry project over multiple years.
Who May Apply
Any United States Church of the Brethren congregation, fellowship or project.
Application Process
Grants will be awarded as determined by the Grant Oversight Committee each month. A grant application will require basic information such as amount requested, description of the project, budget, affirmation that congregation will provide match as recorded in the minutes of the congregation’s decision-making body, and a statement of support from district executive. Download the forms below to review the questions and prepare.
- Brethren Faith in Action Fund Guidelines & Grant Application
- Directrices y Solicitud de Subvención del Fondo de Fe en Acción de los Hermanos
Apply now!
There are three ways to apply:
- Complete an online application and upload supporting materials.
Solicitud en linea Online application - Email answers to all of the questions, along with supporting materials, to:
- Mail answers to all of the questions, along with supporting materials, to: Brethren Faith In Action Fund c/o General Secretary’s Office, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120